Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i'm a strong believer in saying everything you actually mean, so here it goes..

-best sister, best friend. i love you to the death.
-i gave up a long time ago but that doesn't mean i don't miss you
-stop doing this to me, i can't deal with it and i don't want things to be this way.
-honestly, so over it and i know i've said it a million times but i really AM done trying now.
-stop acting your age
-you're a better friend to me than anyone else in my life, i'm sorry i take you for granted sometimes.
-let it go
-you're a complete idiot
-biggest ego, shittiest dude
-the mere thought of you annoys me to no end
-i wish you'd come back already
-womanizer, womanizer, womanzier
-things are always so up and down with you, just be my friend.
-i really meant what i said that time i was drunk
-you're WAY too good for him
-grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions for once
-it's always the same story with you and i don't want to hear it anymore

thinking of all of those made me want to throw up. i'm so sick of always feeling this way. ftw, seriously.

1 comment:

jamie cassell said...

I totally have a blog.
(but also a livejournal, ha)