Tuesday, May 26, 2009

birthday post

urban outfitters

still hoping for these..

i'll post more later <3
buy me any or all of those things

Monday, May 18, 2009

soup or fish all

fucking genius! cupcake flavored floss, yes please!

also, i love this aa dress. super adorable.

this too

Thursday, May 14, 2009

wtf was i talking about in my last blog?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


i wish i had a twitter,
not really but if i did it would say

"haley wants to pee on the floor right now"

i'm beyond fucked up and i want to fight everyone..



srsly want to kill everyone
srsly worst day
srsly hate you all
srsly want to move
srsly still want to kill everyone

i'm gonna finish the rest of this AWESOME natty light and then smoke the rest of my cigarettes, kill everyone, and then sleep. kbye

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

parents just don't understand

i'm dumb

had to be at work at 9am, woke up at 11:15... that sucks. gotta work again at 4:30 so hopefully i'll make it then.. haha only kidding of course. naw but forreals my parents are so pissed at me, i feel like this kind of signifies me DEFINITELY moving to richmond at the end of the month. i have to, it's forreal fucking killing me here. if only they knew how unhappy i was living here. i wish i could move to richmond right now, fuck work, fuck life, fuck responsibilities. i have no vocabulary but "fuck", "weed", "sleep", and "work". waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i wish i didn't suck so hard, chill with me all the time. richmond in 2.5 weeks, fuck yall.

thx, h@

ps: bring me weed

Friday, May 8, 2009


yes please

Thursday, May 7, 2009


so looks like i'm going to be moving to richmond earlier than i thought. will and i are gonna share a room at charlie's house. lolol its gonna rule. so stoked to be in richmond for the summer, so stoked to be away from this place, so stoked to be on my own again. ftww i will miss lots of people here though.. :( (ca, spense, jamie, cierra, natalie, baby brothers). mm anyways stoked on that, stoked on doing really well on all my exams and final projects. life's pretty good right now. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"and you hate the person you've become - bitter, angry, and isolated"

couldn't have said it better myself. getting kicked out is no fun, neither is having no place to stay. fuck i hate this. hate life, hate everyone, never slept last night, stomach hurts from so much coffee. i better do well on this exam and pass this class or i'm going to straight up kill somebody. 

:(:( cheer me up, i know it's my fault but damn.. it'd be nice to have somebody sometimes.

Monday, May 4, 2009

also 27 days left of being a teenager, i better live this shit up

h8 getting old, ftw


officially not stoked to go to work, so tired of it. give me money to do nothing please? please??? please please plz plz plz dfjfuck fuck fuck. brother found my weed, thats cool. told my mom, thats whatever. i can't wait to move to richmond. wish i could go nowwwwwwww. i see myself falling into a lot of my old habits, i need to stop this before it gets out of hand. got to go dry my fucking hair and put on my black uniform and ship off to society. PEACE

Saturday, May 2, 2009

this says it all

this fully sums up about 75% of the friendships i have, thanks friends.

I always had a weak spot for you
You only needed me when it was convenient
I learn now, don't let people in my life so fast
Cos' they never last
I find my childhood friends are the ones I can depend on.
Cos' everyone has a past, right or wrong.

You were a fairweather friend
You didn't have my back til the end
You took what you needed and disappeared again
Fairweather friend, you didn't have my back til the end
You took what you needed and disappeared again.

We don't need friends like you
We don't need friends like you
We don't need friends like you
Right or Wrong