Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Richmond breaks my heart, I miss it and the people there more than anyone can know. I finally decided I'm moving back come the summer, there's no place else for me (at least for the time being). I'm glad I've grown up a lot since last year, I'm not naive anymore. I'm not stupid and I have a lot better judge of character this go round.

I'm so lonely these days, I'm not really sure what's gotten into me. I think it's because in Richmond I'm around Justine and so many other people who make me so happy and I truly love to be around and I know they feel the same way... but here it's like if I don't call anyone I'll go days and days without hearing from any of my "friends". I don't have anyone anymore. I miss Caiti more than I can say, I'm trying to go see her this weekend.. I really hope that can happen. I know I just went to Richmond but I just can't stay in this city anymore, Greensboro's calling my name. I know never again in my life will I have a friend like Caiti, she makes me mad sometimes but there's no one in this world who is more amazing than she is.

I hate feeling like I can't breathe anymore because of this stupid habit I've aquired. I'm going to quit this before it gets too outta control. I got a new job, working at Wasabi's. It's the first legit, well paying job I've ever had. It stresses me out beyond belief, I feel like I'm never going to learn all the bullshit I need to know, and my boss terrifys me... but I think I'll be okay and god knows I need the money. I figured it up and between my two jobs I think I can save at least $3,000 by the time it rolls around for me to move, so I feel pretty secure with that. I need to fill out my VCU application asap. I don't think it's due for a while but I'd like to find out via early decision.

I feel like I'm so incredibly boring these days, I appologize a thousand times over.


Display Name said...

Oregon Hill is disgusting. Up your standards baby boo.


h@ley said...

thats where justine lives dummy!