Sunday, February 15, 2009

shut up dad

Nobody reads my blog but me and that's okay, I don't mind (much).

Things going on with me currently
-Yesterday was Valentine's day and never before was I so happy to be single. I've never really been happy single until recently and I love it. :) Oh I do have a girlfriend though and she took me on the best date last night, love her.

-I am currently applying at ODU, I want to move to Norfolk insanely bad. I miss Richmond to death but I just don't know if I can do it again, I need something new.. I'll probably apply again at VCU just to have that option but if I get into ODU (which I'm sure I will) I'll most likely go there.

-Will got me (almost) a job at Humble Pie. So glad he's good for something (HAHA), only kidding of course. COWORKERS!! I need a job so damn bad, hope this works out.

-Starting April 13th I am kicked out of my house. Can I live with you until I move in May-Juneish? :( Please?? I have no idea what I'm going to do.. pretty stressed.

Anyways, overall good weekend. Overall good mood and life. I'm glad I'm happy right now, it's nice for once.

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