Sunday, February 1, 2009

a few things

just a poem and some cool links i've found lately...

my life had stood - a loaded gun -
in corners - till a day
the owner passed - identified -
and carried me away -

and now we roam in sovreign woods -
and now we hunt the doe -
and every time i speak for him -
the mountains straight reply -

and do i smile such cordial ight
upon the valley glow -
it is as a vesuvian face
had let it's pleasure through -

and when at night - our good day done -
i guard my master's head -
'tis better than the eider-duck's
deep pillow - to have shared -

to foe of his - i'm deadly foe -
none stir the second time -
on whom i lay a yellow eye -
or an emphatic thumb -

though i than he - may longer live
he longer must - than i

-emily dickenson

long exposure photography

be my valentine
weed porn
good music

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